
Here at Trade Freight we love it when we get the opportunity to ship goods that have a story to them.

Our latest being this Ocean Rowboat for our valued customer New Ocean Wave Ltd.


When this came into the yard I was intrigued as I had recently watched a celebrity show which involved ocean rowboats. To be up close to one made it even more incredible when I thought of the people who had never undertaken this kind of task before and just how much effort and determination it must have taken.

This made me wonder where this vessel was bound for as I knew we were shipping it to Gran Canaria.  This was when I discovered the intended journey this vessel was due to embark on.  The team of four from the Cockleshell Endeavour will row across the Atlantic Ocean on behalf of the Royal Marines Charity from Gran Canaria to Barbados. That is almost 5000KM!!!

The Cockleshell Endeavour is a resource which was set up to help injured veterans back onto the path to recovery. Using expeditions, races, and adventures as a tool to plan a way forward through whatever challenges they may face, be it physical or mental health.

The crew consists of two currently serving Royal Marines and two former Royal Marines who each have a story to tell.  Their boat is called Endurance and holds the record for rowing the Atlantic from West to East.

As I researched deeper into this challenge my respect for the four men who were about to embark on this journey, along with all of the other men and women I have read about who have undertaken similar challenges swelled into absolute awe.  ?

If you would like to meet the Cockleshell Endeavour Team – here is a link to the site which gives more information on the cause and how it helps our Marines.



If you would like to check out a couple of videos that captivated me during my research, I’ve added them here too ?

https://youtu.be/rpRI5VRmjYg – 189 Days in May

https://youtu.be/zML2DlAebxg – British amputee soldiers in epic Atlantic rowing trip

https://youtu.be/4w0vKg8wFVc – A former Royal Marine has become the first BLIND person to row across the Pacific

Also our very own Andrew Morris is not a stranger to the perils of the water.  Check out https://olympicatlanticrow.co.uk  for more information on his 200 mile row from Bristol to London in 2012 or to see clips of his North Atlantic row with Roz Savage to raise money for OAR to buy a fleet of row boats for young people to enjoy, able bodied and those with disabilities alike.

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